Children in our zone are welcome to apply for enrolment at Rapaura School. Please contact the office or the Principal for more information on the enrolment procedure. We are always happy to hear from new families.
View map of Rapaura School zone.
For older students
Students transferring from other schools and from out of town are very welcome at Rapaura School. We encourage families to make an appointment to visit the school and we look forward to your enquiries. Older students benefit from these visits as they get a “feel” for the school.
For 5 year olds
Early pre-enrolment from 3 years of age is encouraged. Please contact the office for the relevant forms. When all documentation is received your enrolment will be confirmed in writing. We need
- Completed enrolment forms
- EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) permission form signed
- Computer/internet permission form signed
- Vision/Hearing consent form
- Photocopy of birth certificate and immunisation certificate
- For overseas students: a copy of the passport and visa acknowledging entitlement to education in New Zealand
Before your child is ready for his/her first school visits we welcome trips to the playground on weekends to familiarise your child with the environment. We also invite your child to visit the library during school hours to get a “Pre-Schooler” library card which entitles her/him to begin to issue books from our school collection.
School visits for your 5 year old occur within the two weeks leading up to their 5th birthday. A letter will be sent to you outlining dates and other information relating to the visits.
A typical day in Jellyman Room, our New Entrant room
8.45 am – 9.00 am
Roll & News Time
9.00 am – 10.10 am
Oral Language and Maths
Morning Tea
10.30 pm – 12.15 pm
Literacy – including phonics.
1.00 pm – 2.45 pm
Physical Education/Social Studies/Inquiry; Arts; Library