Our Location
Our school represents one of the many shapes that creates the patchwork of growth and diversity of the Marlborough community. We are located in a rural setting surrounded by one of Marlborough’s best-known enterprises, viticulture.
We celebrate diversity, cohesiveness and authentic learning opportunities based in and around our community for our 120 children and their whanau.
School Features
The school operates in six classrooms, administration block, and library. We have a swimming pool, tennis court, adventure playground and a large playing field. We also have access to Rapaura Hall for extra curricular activities, located right across the road.
Please see our Enrolment information page.
The school day begin at 8.45am
Morning interval is 10.30am – 11am
Lunch at 12.30pm until 1.15pm
School finishes at 2.45pm
How We Share Our Learning?
School assemblies are held throughout each term, every second Friday afternoon, starting at 2.00pm. A school newsletter goes home every second week, on Friday, with news of learning and community notices. We celebrate our learning at the end of our inquiry units and have parent/teacher interviews in March and student led conferences in August.
Parent App
Download the app on your phone and keep up to date with events happening at school. In Play Store and App Store search, “Edge Musac” and create a sign in with your email address the school has. You can also use the app to advise of absences. Check your notifications for message regarding cancellations, postponements and draws.
Rapaura School does not have a compulsory school uniform, however, when children are representing the school at sporting and cultural events they are required to wear the Rapaura School t-shirt and shorts.
The t-shirt can be purchased from school office for $50.
We also have a hoodie to compliment our school uniform. These are only ordered a few times per year. Please contact the school office for more information.
PLEASE NAME ALL CLOTHING. We have an unnecessary amount of ‘lost property’ which is unnamed and not claimed. At the end of each term the extra clothing is taken to a second hand outlet.
Sunsmart School
We are a Sunsmart School. In Terms 1 and 4 wearing sun hats are compulsory. School hats can be purchased from the school office. We also provide some shade for students to eat lunch and play. Sunhat’s are available from the school office.
In the winter we encourage outdoor play as much as possible to maintain fitness and Vitamin D for student’s well-being.
Absences Must Be Justified
The Education Act 1989 states that every student of a registered school shall attend the school whenever it is open. The Act states that it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that their child does attend. Section 29 states that – Every parent of a person who does not attend commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine.
An absence explained by a parent is not necessarily a justified absence. Parents do not have the right to excuse their child from school, without just cause. For example – last day of school, sports day, meeting someone at the airport, dirty uniform, birthday etc. A child should only be absent from school for the following reasons – sickness, family bereavement and family emergency.
Please use the Edge app to report absences. Please ensure you put a reason for absence.
With the support of local businesses, some classes have a stationery pack available for the children to pick up first day of the school year. Other classes have a stationery list, which is sent out to families. These lists can also be found local businesses eg. Warehouse Stationery.
Parent Groups
We have an enthusiastic Board of Trustees who supports the school’s vision and learning of our school.
We have a group of parents, Friends of Rapaura School (FORS) who support and work extremely hard to raise the extra funds to support our school. See FORS page under ‘About.’
Emergency Procedures
We have been advised by Civil Defence and Ministry of Education to remain at school during any natural disaster until a family member comes to the school to be with their child. Reasons for this are that the children are familiar with the environment and setting, parents know where their child/ren will be. In the event of an emergency, parents will be contacted by email, providing the electricity hasn’t been affected. If communication is lost, parents know children will be at school.
Signing in and out
We have a tablet at the office counter for all visitors, students leaving for an appointment or arriving late. Please sign in if you are on school premises for an extended period (more than 15 minutes). This is a requirement for Health and safety Act.
Rapaura School Bank Details
Bank account details for payment of donations, subs and any other matters can be directed credited to school bank account. Please use students name and reason for payment as a reference.
Payment details:
Bank: ANZ
Branch: Blenheim
Account: Rapaura School
Account No: 06-0601-0206792-00
Associated School Costs
The Board have set the voluntary school donation at $130.00 per child.
This donation directly benefits your child by enabling the Board to provide a range of teaching and learning programmes and classroom resources.
During the year there may be associated costs with events and activities your child/ren participate in which we endeavour to keep as low as possible. These costs will be added to your school account.
Our Y7/8 children attend classes at the Technology Centre located at Bohally Intermediate. The classes are held every second Tuesday. The children use the bus service provided, unless a note is received advising alternative arrangements.
Bought Lunches
Barbecued sausages in bread are available on Fridays in Terms 1 & 4. Orders are placed on Wednesday morning.
Pies/sausage rolls are available on Fridays in Term 2 & 3. Orders are placed on Thursday morning.
Dental Therapist
Children from Rapaura School travel to the Community Oral Health Service Clinic in Blenheim, generally once a year, or if required more often. The service will inform parents of the date and time of appointments.
Contact details for the Centre are:
Phone: 520 9922
Address: Cnr Nelson & McLauchlan Streets.
Overseas Students
A copy of the Visa and passport is required, acknowledging entitlement to education in New Zealand.
Health & Safety Information
School Crossing:
As this is not a pedestrian crossing, cars are not required to stop. As a general rule we encourage cars to go through the crossing and not wait for children/adults to cross in case of congestion from the Rapaura Road end. Please ensure you cross at the designated crossing area. The small gate by the staff carpark is for bus pupils only.
Parents please, do not STOP and entice children to cross. We strongly recommend that you cross with your children.
The carpark across the road from the school is for parent to use to park and collect their child/ren. We ask that you reverse into the carpark space to enable best viewing. Please do not park or drop children off in the staff carpark.
Our policies have changed in regard to parent volunteers transporting children to/from camps, sport days etc. Children are not to travel in the front seat, unless they are your own child. This is due to air bags and child safety.
Children under 7 years of age are required to have a booster seat.
Rapaura School Policies
Our school works on a subscription basis with SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies, which have been well researched and follow the Ministry of Education National Administration Guidelines. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school.
SchoolDocs updates, modifies, or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/request from schools, feedback from whanua and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Our Board of Trustees has the opportunity to view changes/additions and comment on them before they are implemented. We will advise you through our school newsletter when policies are up for review and how you can take part in the review.
We invite you to visit our policies web page at http://rapaura.schooldocs.co.nz
Username: rapaura
As our policies are school specific to Rapaura School, our password can be found in our school’s fortnightly newsletter. We welcome feedback on any of our policies anytime, which the Board review at their meetings.
Copyright: “Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd. It may not be reproduced without written permission from SchoolDocs Ltd.”
Common Questions and Answers About Rapaura School
Q. Do I need to make contact if my child isn’t coming to school today?
A. Yes please. The school requires to be informed and a reason must be provided. A phone message can can be left or entered via the school Edge App.
Q. Is school uniform worn?
A. No. Mufti is worn. A sports uniform is required when representing the school for whole school outings including cultural events. Uniform tops can be purchased at the school office.
Q. Can I visit my child during a lesson?
A. Of course. Please feel free to arrange a time with your child’s teacher.
Q. When do I need to enrol my child/ren?
A. It is helpful for the school to enrol your child as soon as possible to allow planning for the oncoming years.
Q. Does the school have an enrolment zone?
A. Yes. See enrolment map. If you live outside of the school zone, you can still enquire and complete an expression of interest form. Please see link,
Q. What do I do if my contact details change?
A. Contact the school office immediately.