What another amazing display of support, admiration for each other and outstanding sportsmanship our cross country was! The sun was shining, the smiles were beaming, the community was there supporting and the ice blocks at the end of the day were truly appreciated.
Recognition of the overall running performance is certainly a highlight of the staff’s time and commitment with preparing the children for the day.
I can’t reiterate how proud we are of our young leaders and the support they gave to the younger children. We received an email from a family expressing their appreciation:
Hi there
Not sure who the lovely children were but we just wanted to pass on a massive thank you to them for helping George with the cross country today. He’s really proud he finished and I don’t think he would of without these super kids!
from J & L Scott.
(The children were Victoria and Charlie)
Go young leaders of Rapaura School.
A big thank you to all the amazing girls who encouraged Olivia (Jellyman room) to finished her race. She was struggling at the last 200 mts and wanted to quit, but all the lovely words and support from the big girls made her to sprint the last meters. She was trilled that she could do it and very touched by all the kind words she got afterward.
We are very happy and pleased knowing that our girl is growing in such an amazing and caring community and have no doubts that she will become a wonderful young girl just like the ones that helped her yesterday.
Many thanks to all the staff for the wonderful values you are teaching to our kids.