Congratulations to all students in the Gifford Room and Luke, Tilly and Will who represented Rapaura School at the Andrew Jones Memorial Triathlon at Rabbit Island, 8 March 2016. The parents and other adults were presented with a well-polished group from Rapaura School thanks to the organisation of Ms Weaver and parents who supported the training sessions.
A special congrats to Pippa for coming home 1st Y8 girl.
Our teams also did extremely well:
3rd Y7/8 girls – Millie, Lily and Olivia
2nd Y7/8 boys – Jack, Gus and Corey
3rd Y7/8 boys – Will, Judd and Will
Once again I was extremely impressed with the attitudes and sportsmanship of the whole group as they challenged themselves and encouraged others.
A wonderful day out with Rapaura School students: ‘Reaching for Success.’

Good work Room 1
Good job everyone and Pippa went brilliant