What an important day we had at the Stadium, ensuring our Y4-8 students have knowledge of what to do in the water if their safety is ever at risk. There were many skills practiced; putting on a life jacket in the water, swim 200m (a NZ goal is for all 10yr olds to be able to swim 200m without stopping), swimming in clothing, supporting one another when being pulled back to shore with a rope, holding the body in the right position when being carried with a current and more.
Once again the students were very well behaved by showing respect to the Stadium staff and respected the key messages of the programme. The students were very confident and I thank you for treating the importance of swimming so seriously.
Thanks to the staff for supporting such a programme.
This was a great day for our students . It is always great to get such positive feedback in regard to our students from the pool staff. A big thank you to FORS who funded this activity.